I will offer a free 30min telephone consultation to establish the desired outcome for the treatments and it will be an opportunity to ask any questions. I will also ask about your lifestyle as I always look at things as a whole and it is important to reiterate that these treatments will go hand in hand to suggesting other changes which will be beneficial to you holistically.
I am based in Bicester in Oxfordshire (a very short distance from Bicester Village!) and you are welcome to come to me or I can travel to you (travel fee will apply dependant on distance) All I ask is that you have a private space for me to be able to work around you where disturbance will be minimal. I do offer discounts on block booking sessions.
I often do long distance Reiki on clients so if we are unable to meet, then we would have an initial virtual consultation followed by long distance sessions. I have even worked with people as far as Singapore!

Reiki as defined by the Oxford English dictionary is: "A healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and to restore physical and emotional well-being."
£65 | 1 hr

Closing the Bones
The closing the bones treatment involves the use of a traditional shawl called a Manta (also known as a rebozo in Mexico) to rock and articulate the mother's hips, followed by a complex abdominal and pelvic girdle massage using a warming oil, and then finished by tightly wrapping the cloth around the woman's hips.
£180 | 2 hr
£215 | 3 hr
Reiki & Sound Bowl Healing Package
Reiki as defined by the Oxford English dictionary is: "A healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and to restore physical and emotional well-being."
Sound healing works by sending sound waves throughout your body; which brings harmony through oscillation and resonance. This helps restore your body's balance which in turn helps you heal. Singing bowls are utilized in the course of sound therapy.
£75 | 1 hr

Group Sessions
Includes Reiki and sound healing for 1 hour with essential oils as well an individual 10min session is desired. For anyone who wants a mini rezobo massage can have a 15min session for an additional £10. This session will be amplified since this is a group healing and emotions may come to the surface.